2023-08-11 02:19:43
[1] When it comes to astrology, every girl has her own favorite signs. Some may say that Aries is the best, while others prefer Taurus. But no matter which sign you are, it's important to remember that astrology is just a fun and interesting way to explore the world. [2]
[2] According to astrology, the best time to get engaged is during the time of your rising star. This means that if you're an Aries, you should propose to your love during the first few days of spring. As for those who are more introverted, it's best to propose during the full moon. [3]
[3] If you're an Aries, you're known for being passionate and impulsive. You tend to take life on a high gear and like to make a big impact. But sometimes, this can also lead to impulsiveness and recklessness. [4]
[4] In astrology, it's believed that those born between March 21st and April 19th are the most compatible with you. This is because they share a similar approach to life and have a strong sense of duty. So, if you're looking for a partner who is as energetic and ambitious as you are, consider someone born between March 21st and April 19th.
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